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"Tablea: A Staple Ingredient in Filipino Cuisine and Culture"

Filipino tablea is a traditional form of chocolate that has been an essential ingredient in Philippine cuisine and culture for centuries. It is made from roasted cacao beans that are ground into a paste and formed into tablets or balls. These tablets or balls are then used to make a rich and flavorful chocolate drink, often paired with local bread or pastries. Tablea is widely produced in various regions of the Philippines, with different methods and variations in taste. 

The traditional process of making tablea involves roasting the cacao beans in a clay pot over a wood fire. After roasting, the beans are ground on a metate or stone grinder, which creates a paste. The paste is then shaped into tablets or balls and left to dry in the sun. Tablea can be used to make a variety of drinks and desserts. The most popular use is for making hot chocolate, which is made by dissolving the tablea in hot water or milk and then adding sugar or condensed milk to taste. 

Other uses include adding it to coffee or tea, using it as a baking ingredient, or simply eating it as a snack. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in Filipino tablea among food enthusiasts and chefs around the world, as it is considered a unique and delicious ingredient that adds depth and complexity to dishes. Furthermore, the traditional production of tablea has become a source of pride for many Filipinos, who see it as a way of preserving their cultural heritage and supporting local communities. 

Here's a recipe for making traditional Filipino tablea hot chocolate: 


 4 pieces of Filipino tablea 
2 cups of water 
1/2 cup of evaporated milk 
2 tablespoons of sugar (or to taste) 
Pinch of salt (optional) 

Instructions: Grate the tablea into small pieces or break them into small chunks. 

In a saucepan, add the water and grated/broken tablea. 
Cook over medium heat and stir constantly until the tablea is completely dissolved and the mixture is smooth. 
Add the evaporated milk and sugar, and continue stirring until everything is well-combined. (Note: You can adjust the amount of sugar based on your preference.) 

 If desired, add a pinch of salt to enhance the flavor of the hot chocolate. 
Reduce the heat to low and continue to stir the mixture for a few more minutes until it thickens slightly. Remove from heat and pour the hot chocolate into cups. 
Serve immediately while it's still hot and frothy. 
This recipe makes approximately 2 servings of hot chocolate. 
You can also add other ingredients such as cinnamon or vanilla extract to give it an extra flavor boost. Enjoy!
